Thursday, November 20, 2014

The bishop’s storehouse (Makeup lesson)

In order to receive makeup credit for this lesson, you need to view the two videos, read the linked scripture references and answer the following question:
How does understanding the laws and commandments of God change the way you feel about participating and sacrificing for our monthly fast?

Caring for the Poor and Needy

Doctrine and Covenants 42:34, 55.
“In 1831 the Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith that members of the Church should ‘impart of [their] substance unto the poor, … and they shall be laid before the bishop … [and] kept in my storehouse, to administer to the poor and the needy’ (D&C 42:31, 34).
“More than 180 years later, bishops’ storehouses around the world continue to support bishops in the call to ‘be faithful; stand in the office which [the Lord has] appointed unto [them]; succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down, and strengthen the feeble knees’ (D&C 81:5).
“Whether it is a building containing food and other supplies or a set of resources in the ward a bishop can draw from, bishops’ storehouses are being used to care for those in need.
“The Church manual, Basic Principles of Welfare and Self-Reliance (2009), says, ‘The Lord’s storehouse is available to every bishop and exists in every ward. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the Lord’s storehouse is not limited to a building or a warehouse filled with commodities awaiting distribution.’
“Where a brick and mortar storehouse is not available, bishops can purchase needed commodities from local merchants using fast offerings” (“Bishops’ Storehouse Opens the Windows of Heaven,” Church News and Events, May 20, 2011,


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Important meeting at the Vatican in ROME

Pope Francis greets President Henry B. Eyring in the Synod Hall at Vatican City as colloquium on marriage begins. Phto by Chris Warde-Jones,

President Henry B. Eyring addressed a large colloquium of leaders of world religions about marriage and the family.  President Eyring testified of the joy of becoming one with a spouse. In doing so, he shared from his own, very personal, life experiences. He also used the LDS Church's "Proclamation to the World" as an instrument of instruction to those attending the Humanum Colloquium: The Complementarity of Man and Woman. Today in Seminary, we prayed for President Erying as he gave his important message in the Vatican. Please watch this video of his address.
For more on this conference go to the following link .

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Still no Wi-Fi connection....blerg

Here is another opportunity to help your TEAM!!!!  Watch this video and tell me what it teaches you about playing for the right team.... While your thinking about staying within the lines, take a look at what can happen when you are not fully aware of where your LINES are!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Section 35 - You are no ordinary beings!

Sidney Rigdon finds out that the Lord know him, loves him, and has a work for him to do.  We talked about how we are being prepared for our future work now, even though we may not even realize it.  There were two videos that I was not able to show because the internet was down.  If you watch these and tell me something that you learned PERSONALLY applicable to you from these videos then you can earn 20 points for your team.

RISE TO YOUR CALL go to the link:

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

"When ye are in the service of your fellow beings... are only in the service of your God." Mosiah 2:17

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks to all who helped me with my endless blanket of pine needles! I love these people!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Called of God

Please watch these videos and come to class tomorrow with your thoughts and impressions about the sacred and inspired calling of missionaries.  Feel free to bring stories of your own!
For those of you who have had or currently have family members serving a mission, please think about and come prepare to share an example of how their mission blessed your life.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


Ask your student about our Halloween scripture mastery activity.  The class has been working on the first 10 scripture mastery scriptures.  Please continue to work on memorization and mastery of the 25 scriptures in the Doctrine and Covenants.  There are many vacation days coming up and it is a perfect time to master that Joseph Smith history scripture.  

Also remember to work on your Scripture reading and journals!

Putting on your ARMOR!

Doctrine and Covenants 25:15-18: 
 The Apostle Paul identified the four parts of the body that are most vulnerable to the powers of Satan in Ephesians 6:11-18. They are the loins, the heart, the feet, and the head. This week we studied D&C 25 which taught about how we can defend ourselves from the fiery darts of Satan by putting on the armor of God.

Shield of faith: We must actively use our faith in Jesus Christ to protect all of our vulnerable body parts. 

Loins girt about with truth: Our loins represent our virtue and chastity which is protected by the truth, or our knowledge and testimony of the gospel of truth. 

Helmet of Salvation: The head represents our thoughts which can be protected from the influence of Satan by focusing on the Atonement of Christ and using the power of the Atonement to overcome all things.
Breastplate of Righteousness: Protects the heart which represents our attitude, our conduct, our feelings and our desires.
Feet Shod with the Preparation of the Gospel of Peace: Our feet represent our goals, our objectives, or the path that we are on.  The preparation of the gospel of peace is includes participation in the sacred ordinances of the gospel.  If our goals are to make and keep sacred covenants then we will be able to avoid the paths that the adversary would have us take.
Sword of the Spirit which is the word of God: This is the only offensive weapon that we have against the adversary.  It can defend and protect all parts of our body and it can also attack.  The key to this part of the armor is to actively use your scriptures, learn more about the doctrines of the gospel, and share the word of God with others.  

Doctrine and Covenants 14:2 "give heed to my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword"

Put them all together and you, "will be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand." D&C 25:15

Thursday, October 16, 2014

WE KNOW THAT... D&C 20 Make up lesson

      Please read this post, follow the directions, write answers to the questions asked (turn them in), and watch the video at the end of the lesson.  Not only is this post worth a make up day, but it is also worth 30 team points if turned in by October 24th.  

     In a revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord commanded that His restored Church be organized on April 6, 1830. He also taught about the importance of the Book of Mormon and gave instructions about the government of His Church, including priesthood offices, ordinances, and procedures of the newly restored Church. This revelation, which was called the “Articles and Covenants” in the early days of the Church, is now found in Doctrine and Covenants 20

     As part of the meeting to organize the restored Church of Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery confirmed those who had previously been baptized and bestowed upon them the gift of the Holy Ghost (see History of the Church, 1:61). Joseph Smith’s parents were baptized and confirmed that day. This was a joyful time for the Prophet, who exclaimed, “Praise to my God! that I lived to see my own father baptized into the true Church of Jesus Christ!” (in Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith by His Mother, ed. Preston Nibley [1958], 168; see also History of the Church, 1:79).

Doctrine and Covenants 20:37 outlines the covenant we made when we were baptized. Ponder what you are doing now to live according to your baptismal covenant.

Doctrine and Covenants 20:68–69: Read these verses and identify and mark the Lord’s expectations for each of us after we have been baptized. We show the Lord our worthiness through our godly walk and conversation.  “a godly walk and conversation” through actions, attitude, and speech that are in harmony with God.
  1. When have you seen others “manifest … a godly walk and conversation”? 
  2. How do you think their actions and attitude influence others around them? 
  3. How can you change your actions and speech to be more in harmony with God?

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Conference powerpoint presentation

Sister Sant introduced me to this beautiful powerpoint presentation that I would love for everyone to view, but there may be some technical challenges.  I have faith that you will figure it out.  So go to this link and it will take you to a seminary teacher's page, scroll down until you come to "General Conference Quotable", then open the powerpoint presentation and view the slideshow.

As you watch the slideshow, write down your favorite quote and bring it to me on Monday for 10 team points. 

Witnesses of Truth

Today we studied the 17th section of the Doctrine and Covenants and learned about the doctrine of witnesses.  We did not get a chance to watch this mormon message that is another witness of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon.  If you tell me a little about this video on Monday, you can earn 10 points for your team.

Meet the Mormons

The "Meet the Mormons" movie is scheduled to play at the River Park Square AMC theater downtown at the following times:

Thursday, 10/9, at 7 pm and 9:30 pm

Friday, 10/10, and Saturday, 10/11, at 11 am, 1:15 pm, 3:30 pm, 5:45 pm, 8:00 pm, and 10:15 pm.

 Check out the trailer here:


Monday, September 29, 2014

Personal Revelation/ Patterns of Light

      Here is the video promised. You only need to watch the last one, Patterns of light 3, but if you watch the other 2 you can get additional points for your team.  After each video, write down the answers for the questions listed and bring your paper to class. For each section that you answer correctly, you will earn 10 points for your team.
Part 1
1. What is the one word that Elder Bednar uses to describe light?
2. What does the light chase?
3. What is light associated with?
4. What is another word for the Light of Christ?
5. What increases the light of christ that is within us?
Part 2
1. What can the Holy Ghost bring back to you?
2. Where does everything that invites us to do good come from?
3. Baptized members receive the gift that will invite what?
Part 3
1. Which pattern of receiving revelation is more rare than common?
2. Which pattern of receiving revelation is more common than rare?
3. Describe how a cloudy or foggy day is like personal revelation.
4. What is one of Christ's names?
5. What happens when we reject Christ's teachings?

Monday, September 22, 2014

How did he do it?

Dear Class, 


Here is the entry as promised.  Sometimes (often) in class I am not able cover all of the material that I would like to.  When I come across something really interesting and/or important, I will post an entry in my blog.  I hope that you take the time to read or watch what I have posted so that you can get the most out of our class experience.  As an added incentive to read, your team will receive 10 points if you share with me any tidbit of information that impressed you from the following quotes.

Sister Colvin

Joseph Smith—History 1:59–62. Translated by the gift and power of God

Some have asked: Do we have details about how the Book of Mormon was translated? Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles gave the following answer:
     “Many who read the Book of Mormon understandably desire to know more about its coming forth, including the actual process of translation. This was certainly so with faithful and loyal Hyrum Smith. Upon inquiring, Hyrum was told by the Prophet Joseph that ‘it was not intended to tell the world all the particulars of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon’ and that ‘it was not expedient for him to relate these things’ (History of the Church, 1:220). Thus what we do know about the actual coming forth of the Book of Mormon is adequate, but it is not comprehensive. …
     “Whatever the details of the process, it required Joseph’s intense, personal efforts along with the aid of the revelatory instruments. The process may have varied as Joseph’s capabilities grew, involving the Urim and Thummim but perhaps with less reliance upon such instrumentalities in the Prophet’s later work of translation. Elder Orson Pratt of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said Joseph Smith told him that he used the Urim and Thummim when he was inexperienced at translation but that later he did not need it, which was the case in Joseph’s translation of many verses of the Bible (see Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, 11 Aug. 1874, 498–99). …
     “Why do we not have more disclosure concerning the process of translation of the Book of Mormon? Perhaps the full process was not disclosed because we would not be ready to understand it, even if given. Perhaps, too, the Lord wanted to leave the Book of Mormon in the realm of faith, though it is drenched with intrinsic evidence. After all, Christ instructed Mormon, who was reviewing the Savior’s own teachings among the Nephites, not to record all of them on the plates because ‘I will try the faith of my people’ (3 Ne. 26:11). Perhaps the details of translation are withheld also because we are intended to immerse ourselves in the substance of the book rather than becoming unduly concerned with the process by which we received it” (“By the Gift and Power of God,” Ensign, Jan. 1997, 39, 41).
     Although we do not know all the details about how the Book of Mormon was translated, we do know it was translated “by the gift and power of God” (D&C 135:3) and that the portion that was translated is true (see D&C 17:6).

Joseph Smith—History 1:59–62. “By means of the Urim and Thummim I translated”

     The Urim and Thummim was “an instrument prepared of God to assist man in obtaining revelation from the Lord and in translating languages” (Bible Dictionary, “Urim and Thummim”). Joseph Smith used the Urim and Thummim to aid in the translation of the Book of Mormon. In addition to the Urim and Thummim, the Prophet used a seer stone in the translation process.
     Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said the following about the translation process and Joseph Smith’s use of the Urim and Thummim and the seer stone:
“The Prophet Joseph alone knew the full process, and he was deliberately reluctant to describe details. We take passing notice of the words of David Whitmer, Joseph Knight, and Martin Harris, who were observers, not translators. David Whitmer indicated that as the Prophet used the divine instrumentalities provided to help him, ‘the hieroglyphics would appear, and also the translation in the English language … in bright luminous letters.’ Then Joseph would read the words to Oliver (quoted in James H. Hart, “About the Book of Mormon,” Deseret Evening News, 25 Mar. 1884, 2). Martin Harris related of the seer stone: ‘Sentences would appear and were read by the Prophet and written by Martin’ (quoted in Edward Stevenson, “One of the Three Witnesses: Incidents in the Life of Martin Harris,” Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, 6 Feb. 1882, 86–87). Joseph Knight made similar observations (see Dean Jessee, “Joseph Knight’s Recollection of Early Mormon History,” BYU Studies 17 [Autumn 1976]: 35).
     “Oliver Cowdery is reported to have testified in court that the Urim and Thummim enabled Joseph ‘to read in English, the reformed Egyptian characters, which were engraved on the plates’ (“Mormonites,” Evangelical Magazine and Gospel Advocate, 9 Apr. 1831). If these reports are accurate, they suggest a process indicative of God’s having given Joseph ‘sight and power to translate’ (D&C 3:12).
     “If by means of these divine instrumentalities the Prophet was seeing ancient words rendered in English and then dictating, he was not necessarily and constantly scrutinizing the characters on the plates—the usual translation process of going back and forth between pondering an ancient text and providing a modern rendering.
     “The revelatory process apparently did not require the Prophet to become expert in the ancient language. …
     “Whatever the details of the process, it required Joseph’s intense, personal efforts along with the aid of the revelatory instruments. The process may have varied as Joseph’s capabilities grew, involving the Urim and Thummim but perhaps with less reliance upon such instrumentalities in the Prophet’s later work of translation. Elder Orson Pratt of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said Joseph Smith told him that he used the Urim and Thummim when he was inexperienced at translation but that later he did not need it, which was the case in Joseph’s translation of many verses of the Bible (see Latter-day Saints’ Millennial Star, 11 Aug. 1874, 498–99)” (“By the Gift and Power of God,” Ensign, Jan. 1997, 39).

For an additional 10 points for your team,  watch the following video which will introduce you to tomorrow's lesson and share something from the video with me tomorrow. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Joseph Smith History

This week in seminary we will be studying the Joseph Smith History.  Please read the history in preparation for class discussion.  Below is a link to a video that summarizes the history.

Ten points to each team member to tells me they watched this video.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

History of the Doctrine and Covenants overview - Makeup Lesson

There are many excellent video productions that go along with our class this year.  Unfortunately, we do not have time to watch all of them in class.  I encourage everyone to take a few minutes to watch these videos.  They rarely last longer than 10 minutes. You may earn a makeup day credit by watching this video and presenting a written outline of the content to me.

Monday, September 8, 2014

New Beginning 2014!

I am so happy to be back with my class.  21 22 (as of 9/10/2014) beautiful people really brighten my day!

I am very excited about seminary this year because I have a fantastic class of young men and women.  It is true that I say this every year for the past four years,  but it is also true that every year I am amazed by the spiritual depth and desire that my students demonstrate.  Thank you for bringing/coming to seminary and sharing your testimony with ours.  I consider it a privilege and a blessing to serve as a seminary teacher.

As many of you have probably heard by now, there are a few new requirements for your student to achieve in order to receive credit for seminary.  I don’t want anyone to worry about these requirements because they should be easily achieved if there is a desire to attend class.  Here they are:

    1. 75% attendance for each semester. (This used to be 80%)
    2. Pass with 75% on the assessment given twice a year.  This is a course specific assessment.
    3. Complete the reading of the book of study for the year.  This year is Doctrine and Covenants, Joseph Smith History
    4. Receive an ecclesiastical endorsement.  This will come through the bishops of the ward that you attend.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Grand finale with a splash!

I have been missing seminary...that's right, MISSING SEMINARY!  No way you may say, but it is true.  I really miss spending that time 5 out of 7 days of the week thinking about our Savior and sharing the Spirit with my amazing class.  I miss seeing each of you and your sleepy faces and I can't wait to start over (after a good long rest of course!) In my nostalgia I was looking at pictures from our swim party and realized that I did not share them with you.  That was a great night...wished you could have all been there.

JUMP PICTURES - I can't decide which one is best:

I think this one is my pick!
 Then there were the faces on the wall pictures:

Casual pool shot:
Cassi entertaining our guests:

Friday, May 30, 2014


Watch these videos and act:

I too have a testimony of the truthfulness of this miraculous book.  It has been a privilege to teach from it this year in Seminary.  I hope that your testimony was strengthened as much as mine was.  I love each of my students and will miss you very much. Have a great summer, and keep reading!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Scritpures Legacy - makeup lesson

Here is the link to the video that I mentioned in class.  I hope that you will all watch it and think about what we have been learning this year.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Alma 61. Responding to those who offend or hurt us (make up lesson)

We learned about Moroni and Pahoran today in class.  As part of the lesson we watched the video below.  I asked you to review the conference talk referenced in this video.  Here is a link to that talk
President James E. Faust of the First Presidency shared an account that illustrates the importance of not harboring ill feelings toward those who may try to offend or hurt us:
“In the beautiful hills of Pennsylvania, a devout group of Christian people live a simple life without automobiles, electricity, or modern machinery. They work hard and live quiet, peaceful lives separate from the world. Most of their food comes from their own farms. The women sew and knit and weave their clothing, which is modest and plain. They are known as the Amish people.

“A 32-year-old milk truck driver lived with his family in their Nickel Mines community. He was not Amish, but his pickup route took him to many Amish dairy farms, where he became known as the quiet milkman. Last October he suddenly lost all reason and control. In his tormented mind he blamed God for the death of his first child and some unsubstantiated memories. He stormed into the Amish school without any provocation, released the boys and adults, and tied up the 10 girls. He shot the girls, killing five and wounding five. Then he took his own life.

“This shocking violence caused great anguish among the Amish but no anger. There was hurt but no hate. Their forgiveness was immediate. Collectively they began to reach out to the milkman’s suffering family. As the milkman’s family gathered in his home the day after the shootings, an Amish neighbor came over, wrapped his arms around the father of the dead gunman, and said, ‘We will forgive you.’ [In Joan Kern, “A Community Cries,” Lancaster New Era, Oct. 4, 2006, p. A8.] Amish leaders visited the milkman’s wife and children to extend their sympathy, their forgiveness, their help, and their love. About half of the mourners at the milkman’s funeral were Amish. In turn, the Amish invited the milkman’s family to attend the funeral services of the girls who had been killed. A remarkable peace settled on the Amish as their faith sustained them during this crisis.

“One local resident very eloquently summed up the aftermath of this tragedy when he said, ‘We were all speaking the same language, and not just English, but a language of caring, a language of community, [and] a language of service. And, yes, a language of forgiveness.’ [In Helen Colwell Adams, “After That Tragic Day, a Deeper Respect among English, Amish?” Sunday News, Oct. 15, 2006, p. A1.] It was an amazing outpouring of their complete faith in the Lord’s teachings in the Sermon on the Mount: ‘Do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.’ [Matthew 5:44.]

“The family of the milkman who killed the five girls released the following statement to the public:

“‘To our Amish friends, neighbors, and local community:

“‘Our family wants each of you to know that we are overwhelmed by the forgiveness, grace, and mercy that you’ve extended to us. Your love for our family has helped to provide the healing we so desperately need. The prayers, flowers, cards, and gifts you’ve given have touched our hearts in a way no words can describe. Your compassion has reached beyond our family, beyond our community, and is changing our world, and for this we sincerely thank you.

“‘Please know that our hearts have been broken by all that has happened. We are filled with sorrow for all of our Amish neighbors whom we have loved and continue to love. We know that there are many hard days ahead for all the families who lost loved ones, and so we will continue to put our hope and trust in the God of all comfort, as we all seek to rebuild our lives.’ [“Amish Shooting Victims,”]

“How could the whole Amish group manifest such an expression of forgiveness? It was because of their faith in God and trust in His word, which is part of their inner beings. They see themselves as disciples of Christ and want to follow His example.

“Hearing of this tragedy, many people sent money to the Amish to pay for the health care of the five surviving girls and for the burial expenses of the five who were killed. As a further demonstration of their discipleship, the Amish decided to share some of the money with the widow of the milkman and her three children because they too were victims of this terrible tragedy” (“The Healing Power of Forgiveness,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 67–68).

FORGIVENESS IS SO HARD AND SO IMPORTANT.  The following message is an example of what kind of people we should strive to become.  How many of us have been hurt by others with much more smaller offenses and yet we harbor bad feeling or cast judgement on others? 
President Uchtdorf's talk states:
"Let us be kind.
Let us forgive.
Let us talk peacefully with each other.
Let the love of God fill our hearts.
Let us do good unto all men.
We are not perfect.The people around us are not perfect.People do things that annoy, disappoint, and anger. In this mortal life it will always be that way.Nevertheless, we must let go of our grievances. Part of the purpose of mortality is to learn how to let go of such things. That is the Lord’s way.
Remember, heaven is filled with those who have this in common: They are forgiven. And they forgive.Lay your burden at the Savior’s feet. Let go of judgment. Allow Christ’s Atonement to change and heal your heart. 
Love one another. 
Forgive one another.
The merciful will obtain mercy.
Of this I testify in the name of the One who loved so well and so completely that He gave His life for us, His friends—in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen."