Tuesday, November 26, 2013
We have spent the month reading inspiring quotes about gratitude and journaling about what we are thankful for? Share your gratitude for others with them, particularly with your Father in Heaven for ALL that He has given us and done for us.
PS. Have I told you lately how thankful I am for each one of you and for the blessing that it is for me to have the opportunity to serve you?
Ensign to the Nations, conclusion
This month we have been studying what it means to be an ensign to the nations. This is the concluding segment of the video that we have been watching.
Questions 5 pts each/ total of 40 points:
1. Who was the final speaker in this video series?
2. Where did he serve his mission as a young man?
3. What temple did he dedicate in May of 1996?
4. Where was the place where there was the largest assembly of LDS people under one roof?
5. As he has looked into the faces of the saints in all the world...how does he feel?
6. What did the Prophet Joseph Smith say about the STANDARD OF TRUTH?
7. What is the role that you have to play in this work?
8. What did you notice about the congregations that were filmed for the final segment?
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
"And my soul hungered"
Please watch this modern day application of the story of the Book of Enos:
“The hand will not reach for what
the heart does not long for.” Welsh Proverb
“We must educate our very desires,
for God finally gives to each man the desires of his heart.” Annonymous
“Desire is the pilot of the soul. It
is the greatest power in the personality, On January 6, 1941, in his message to
Congress, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made reference to his famous “Four
Freedoms.” One was the freedom from want, and he told Congress what he thought
should be done to secure greater freedom from want for the people of America.
But there is a much greater freedom in America than the freedom from want, and
that is the freedom to want. In America we may want as big as we please. If we
want to succeed in tiny letters, we will fail. If we want to succeed in letters
a foot high, we will succeed. We ought to spend a little more time learning to
increase the size of our wants.”
“When we want to be faithful members
of the Church in capital letters, or when we really want to be successful in
our occupations, or when we really want character and honor and faith, we won’t
need to worry very much about getting them.” (Sterling W. Sill February 9,
1965, BYU Speeches of the Year, 1965 10.)
“Complacency is a very grave danger in the Church as well as in the
world. We need to be aroused to the fact that there is much yet to do in this
matter of gaining our salvation. The goal is so high that not only can it be
seen from both sides of the valley of life, it is so far distant that we can
pursue it throughout the endless ages of eternity, attempting to become like
that from which we came — God our Father. We need to study more, to think more,
to pray more fervently, to do our full duty.” (Hugh B. Brown, The Abundant Life
[Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1965], 169.)
“A great indicator of
one’s personal conversion is the desire to share the gospel with others” (The
Teachings of Howard W. Hunter, ed. Clyde J. Williams [1997], 248–49).
a quiet place alone to have a personal prayer about something you really need help with. Sincerely desire the answer. Wait and listen for the answer.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Pray for the typhoon victims
From a missionary couple serving in the Philippines:
"The missionaries are all alive and accounted for. They are in the MTC
here in Manila and will be reassigned or sent home starting tomorrow.
They have all visited the MTC psychologist at least once. They had some
pretty terrible and traumatic experiences. Experiences that young people
should never go through They also learned that Heavenly Father is aware
of them and mindful of them. If you could see the devastation you would
know that if they did not have angelic protection they would not have
survived. All those who would have been released by Feb are going home
with an honorable release. The church is going to build a new mission
home and when order is restored the missionaries could go back. They
will still keep their Tacloban name tags. Those members who listened to
their leaders and went to the chapels lived. Those who didn't died."
Story on the church's site:
A blog:
"The missionaries are all alive and accounted for. They are in the MTC
here in Manila and will be reassigned or sent home starting tomorrow.
They have all visited the MTC psychologist at least once. They had some
pretty terrible and traumatic experiences. Experiences that young people
should never go through They also learned that Heavenly Father is aware
of them and mindful of them. If you could see the devastation you would
know that if they did not have angelic protection they would not have
survived. All those who would have been released by Feb are going home
with an honorable release. The church is going to build a new mission
home and when order is restored the missionaries could go back. They
will still keep their Tacloban name tags. Those members who listened to
their leaders and went to the chapels lived. Those who didn't died."
Story on the church's site:
A blog:
Thursday, November 14, 2013
The Lord delights in chastity (Make Up Lesson)
The second half of Jacob's sermon from the temple contained warnings to his people about their involvement with sexual sins. He was greatly concerned about how the sins of the fathers were hurting not only those who were sinning, but also the delicate feelings of the women and children in their families.
Watch the following Mormon Message: Try to guess which young adult is the member of our church before the end.
Watch the following Mormon Message:
I have confidence that you can be morally clean. If you have sinned against the law of chastity, seek help from your bishop, who can help you to repent and become clean through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
In the "For the Strength of Youth" booklet we are taught:
“The Lord’s standard regarding sexual purity is clear and unchanging. Do not have any sexual relations before marriage, and be completely faithful to your spouse after marriage. …
“The Lord’s standard regarding sexual purity is clear and unchanging. Do not have any sexual relations before marriage, and be completely faithful to your spouse after marriage. …
“Never do anything that could lead
to sexual transgression. Treat others with respect, not as objects used to
satisfy lustful and selfish desires. Before marriage, do not participate in
passionate kissing, lie on top of another person, or touch the private, sacred
parts of another person’s body, with or without clothing. Do not do anything
else that arouses sexual feelings. Do not arouse those emotions in your own
body” (For the Strength of Youth
[booklet, 2011], 35–36).
Watch the following Mormon Message: Try to guess which young adult is the member of our church before the end.
FIVE Team points per question:
A) Read Jacob 2:23–24, some people in Jacob’s day tried to excuse their sexual sins.
A) Read Jacob 2:23–24, some people in Jacob’s day tried to excuse their sexual sins.
- How do people sometimes seek to excuse sexual immorality today?
- What are some things youth can do to avoid being overcome by sexual temptations?
B) Sexual
immorality has a destructive influence on families. Read Jacob 2:31–35. Look for some of the consequences
of immorality. Although Jacob speaks only to men, the law of
chastity is equally important for women.
- According to Jacob, how are families affected when a family member violates the law of chastity?
- How does this help explain why breaking the law of chastity is such a serious sin?
- Some young people rationalize that they can break the law of chastity because their actions do not hurt anyone else. How might a person’s immorality affect other people?
C) Review the beginning of Jacob 2:28 and identify what the Lord delights in.
Watch the following Mormon Message:
I have confidence that you can be morally clean. If you have sinned against the law of chastity, seek help from your bishop, who can help you to repent and become clean through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Plain as the Nose on your face (An EASY Makeup lesson)
1. Free from obstructions; open; clear
2. Obvious to the mind; evident: make one's intention plain. 3. Not elaborate or complicated; simple: plain food.
4. Straightforward; frank or candid: plain talk.
5. Not mixed with other substances; pure: plain water.
6. Common in rank or station; average; ordinary: a plain man.
7. Not pretentious; unaffected.
8. Marked by little or no ornamentation or decoration.
In 2 Nephi 31, Nephi wrote of his great prophesy concerning the Doctrine of Christ, which he spoke of plainly. He said, "For my soul delighteth in plainness: for after this manner doth the lord God work among the children of men. For the Lord God giveth light unto the understanding; for he speaketh unto men according to their language, unto their understanding." (vs.3)
Elder Marvin J. Ashton said:
“Through this great prophet Nephi, along with other leaders and wise teachers, we come to realize that we learn more readily if principles are taught and explained in plainness. Plainness is best comprehended by the humble, the teachable, the intelligent, the wise, and the obedient. Often plain truths are perverted by the pretentious, the crude, the low, the critical, the contentious, the haughty, and the unrighteous. More so than in any other time in our history, there is an urgency in today’s society for men and women to step forward and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ in the power of plainness. God delights when His truths are taught clearly and understandably with no conspicuous ornamentation. Plainness in life, word, and conduct are eternal virtues. When the plainness of Christian teaching and living is lost, apostasy and suffering result. People will walk in darkness when the light of plainness if taken from their lives.”
The fact that God speaks plainly to prophets and that message is given to us with plainness is a recurring theme in the Book of Mormon. FOR TEN POINTS: Research "plainness" in the index and read 5 references in 2 Nephi, then answer the question; How can knowing that God speaks to us plainly affect how I understand and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ?
READ 2 NEPHI 31:4-13 then watch the following Bible video:
Reread verse 13 and mark the phrases that you think Nephi wanted you to understand plainly. For 5 points each:
- How might these phrases apply to such activities as daily scripture study and Church attendance?
- What is the difference between “saying a prayer” and praying “with full purpose of heart”?
- What is the difference between eating the sacrament bread and partaking of the sacrament bread “with real intent”?
- What is the difference between saying that you are sorry about something you have done and repenting “with full purpose of heart”?
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Baptism is the gate by which ye shall enter....and then are ye in this straight and narrow path which leads to eternal life. |
After the baptism by water comes the baptism by fire.
Elder David A.
Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said this about baptism by fire:
“The gate of baptism
leads to the strait and narrow path. …
“We are commanded and
instructed to so live that our fallen nature is changed through the sanctifying
power of the Holy Ghost. President Marion G. Romney taught that the
baptism of fire by the Holy Ghost ‘converts [us] from carnality to spirituality.
It cleanses, heals, and purifies the soul. … Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ,
repentance, and water baptism are all preliminary and prerequisite to it, but [the
baptism of fire] is the consummation. To receive [this baptism of fire] is to have one’s garments
washed in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ’ (Learning for the
Eternities, comp. George J. Romney [1977], 133; see also 3 Nephi
“Hence, as we are born
again and strive to always have His Spirit to be with us, the Holy Ghost
sanctifies and refines our souls as if by fire (see 2 Nephi
31:13–14, 17). Ultimately, we are to stand spotless before God” (“Clean
Hands and a Pure Heart,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2007, 81).
What is the Doctrine of Christ?
(Hint: see 2 Nephi 31, and the 4th Article of Faith)
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Chocolate Chips
Who are the covenant people?
2 Nephi 26: 33
" For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."
2 Nephi 30:8
"And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth."
" For none of these iniquities come of the Lord; for he doeth that which is good among the children of men; and he doeth nothing save it be plain unto the children of men; and he inviteth them all to come unto him and partake of his goodness; and he denieth none that come unto him, black and white, bond and free, male and female; and he remembereth the heathen; and all are alike unto God, both Jew and Gentile."
2 Nephi 30:8
"And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall commence his work among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, to bring about the restoration of his people upon the earth."
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of
the First Presidency:
“I hope that we welcome and love all of God’s children,
including those who might dress, look, speak, or just do things differently. It
is not good to make others feel as though they are deficient. Let us lift those
around us. Let us extend a welcoming hand. Let us bestow upon our brothers and
sisters in the Church a special measure of humanity, compassion, and charity so
that they feel, at long last, they have finally found home. …
“It seems only right
and proper that we extend to others that which we so earnestly desire for
“I am not suggesting
that we accept sin or overlook evil, in our personal life or in the world.
Nevertheless, in our zeal, we sometimes confuse sin with sinner, and we condemn
too quickly and with too little compassion. …
“… Let our hearts
and hands be stretched out in compassion toward others, for everyone is walking
his or her own difficult path” (“You Are My Hands,” Ensign, May 2010, 68–69).
Consider what YOU might do to reach out to others in need and help them feel
the love of the Lord.
2 Nephi 30:2
"For behold, I say unto you that as many of the Gentiles as will repent are the covenant people of the Lord; and as many of the Jews as will not repent shall be cast off;for the Lord covenanteth with none save it be with them that repent and believe in his Son, who is the Holy One of Israel."
Who are the covenant
What is it that we must do to become the covenant people of God? You could earn up to 20 points by telling me how this Mormon Message reflects this important doctrine and how it applies to us.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Spiritual Crocodiles
A message that we did not get to watch today in class...
5 Team Point/question
1. In spite of constant and repeated warnings what did the young man from England do?
2. Give me two examples of spiritual crocodiles.
3. How can spiritual crocodiles mutilate and kill your soul?
4. Where are spiritual crocodiles found in the world we live in?
Friday, November 1, 2013
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