Tuesday, January 28, 2014

True Conversion - Alma 22-24 (Makeup Lesson)

This is a great conference talk about what the meaning of true conversion  given by Bonnie Oscarson in General Conference October 2013.  Please watch this short talk and then answer the questions below.  Each question is worth 5 points for your team.  If you answer all of the questions it is worth one makeup day.
1.  The decisions that you are called upon to make in your daily life have _________ consequences.
2.  Is it possible to have a testimony of the gospel without living it?
3.  What are the three things that are required for true conversion?
4.  The Lord expects us to exercise ______________, in order to gain a testimony of a principle.
5.  How does living a principle help us to be converted to that principle?
6.  What Scripture Mastery is quoted in her talk?
7.  True conversion means living the commandments ___________________________.
8.  Who is responsible for your conversion?
9.  As you are converted you will have a desire to __________________________.
10. Living the gospel and standing in holy places is not always easy, but it is __________________.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Alma 5 - The Good Shepherd

We have been studying the testimony of Alma the Younger in Alma 5.  Today we had a lesson about listening to the voice of the Good Shepherd.  We discussed ways to hear the voice of Christ.  Here is a video clip quoting the word of the Savior.  Please watch this video and consider the significance of "hearing" the voice of the Good Shepherd and following Him. 

The message of this scripture goes with the 2014 Mutual Theme of Come Unto Christ.  If you would like to get a sneak preview of this theme go to the following link and find out what other LDS youth are doing to commit their lives to following the Savior.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year!

I am so glad to be back to my class. Everyone was on time today and that was such a pleasant surprise for me!  We are excited about our new teams and starting the book of Alma.  Our first blog challenge is to watch the mormon message below.  Ten points to those who tell me one thing that they are looking forward to doing better this year than they did last year! Did you know that when you tell someone else what your goal is that you are more likely to achieve that goal.