Thursday, July 18, 2013

Missionary Work Rolls on...

Dear Class,

We spent a lot of time last year talking about missionary work. I am sure that many of you remember the letters that we sent to the missionaries in our ward.  Most of the local missionaries wrote us back, but we went on summer break before the international letters returned to us.  

Here is a beautiful letter written to our class from Elder Christopher Peterson who is serving in the Brazil Teresina mission (which incidentally is the neighboring mission to my son, Garrison's mission).  

June 8th, 2013

Dearest Seminary Class of Sister Colvin,

So I know it's way past the end of May...but I just got your letter and I felt a need to respond anyway.  I very much appreciate the notes you guys sent me!  Thanks Zack and Megan!  Let me see if I can answer any of your questions and paint a little picture of he mission experience for you guys.

Brazill is hot, not the kind of hot you feel in the summer in Spokane, take that and multiply it substantially.  At least where I am at down here in Sao Luis, Brasil, it's crazy HOT!  Hottest mission in Brazil.  Now take away air conditioning, warm showers, greasy American food, smoothly paved roads, English, American sports, your cars, and add long walks by palm tree and clapping at doors instead of knocking on them & you get just a slight taste of Brazil.  But I love it! The people you meet while on the Lord's errand are amazing, especially as you learn to see them as the Lord does.

Just yesterday my redheaded companion and I were headed down the road when a car stopped in front of us and a man got out with his arms full.  A bag he was holding fell to the ground and my companion, Elder Black, jumped to grab it and we helped the man get his stuff inside.  Five minutes later we were seated in his home with him as he completely opened up for us. First he bore his testimony saying God sent us and that he recently lost his job but he isn't letting that get him down.  The greatest joy he finds in his life is working through his trials with his wife at his side.  Jouo is a man of great faith and I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to bear my testimony to him of Christ and His Atonement, and how in our hours of weakness, He has power in our lives.  As Paul taught in 2 Corinthiaan 12:9-10.  I know and testify that the Atonement is very real.  If I've learned nothing else these two years, (I'd be lying) I've learned the principle of the Atonement is the most important thing I could learn. He is our Savior, His love is perfect and when we truly need Him, He is always there.  I have felt Him carrying me at times.  The greatest joy we can find is through His Atonement, Mosiah 4:3.

For those of you preparing to serve, you're a bunch of BOSSES!  Keep preparing, studying, praying, working with your friends.  The best thing that you can do is strengthen your connection with the Spirit.  You can have the whole Book of Mormon memorized and all the technique in the world, but true success is the Lord's hands depends on humility and listening to His spirit, letting Him communicate through you.  We are simply instruments, that should be fine tuned, in his hands, used to make miracles happen.  D&C 1:23, D&C 68:2-5.

Time is short, but I love all of you.  I have no doubt that this is the Lord's church.  All churches mention God, but only His church has all the blessings of the eternities available to its members.  God given authority is an essential element to our salvation and I know that the priesthood was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith by a loving Heavenly Father.  I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  I know that to know one simple needs to ponder and ask for themselves.  God's whole purpose is to help us have immortality and eternal lives.  Our families can be eternal if we're willing to work together diligently and daily to acheive that goal.  What we desire we obtain.  Christ is central in that plan and there is not greater blessing that his Atonement.  It's real and He lives. And because He lives, we will too.  Let His work also be our work and let us strive to bless the lives of those around us and help them come to the knowledge we have and feel the joy that we feel.  That's His will and our purpse.

Elder Petersen 

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