Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Importance of Nephi's decision to GO and DO

Have you ever wondered where this world would be if Nephi did not have the courage to do what the Lord commanded no matter how hard it seemed?  Because of Nephi, his family had the scriptures/Brass plates from which to base the sacred record of their people.  Without the Brass plates there would not have been any other plates for Moroni to abridge into the Gold Plates because the written language would have been lost. Without the Gold Plates there would not have been a record for Joseph to translate and the restoration of the fullness of the gospel would not have occurred. What do the scriptures mean to you? 

This year in Seminary, I am asking each student to read from the Book of Mormon every day and keep a scripture journal about the impressions that they receive as they read.  Please encourage them to do this.  The following is a video about how keeping a scripture journal changed the lives of youth in Eastern Europe.  For ten team points, tell me what your thoughts are about this message:

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