Monday, September 8, 2014

New Beginning 2014!

I am so happy to be back with my class.  21 22 (as of 9/10/2014) beautiful people really brighten my day!

I am very excited about seminary this year because I have a fantastic class of young men and women.  It is true that I say this every year for the past four years,  but it is also true that every year I am amazed by the spiritual depth and desire that my students demonstrate.  Thank you for bringing/coming to seminary and sharing your testimony with ours.  I consider it a privilege and a blessing to serve as a seminary teacher.

As many of you have probably heard by now, there are a few new requirements for your student to achieve in order to receive credit for seminary.  I don’t want anyone to worry about these requirements because they should be easily achieved if there is a desire to attend class.  Here they are:

    1. 75% attendance for each semester. (This used to be 80%)
    2. Pass with 75% on the assessment given twice a year.  This is a course specific assessment.
    3. Complete the reading of the book of study for the year.  This year is Doctrine and Covenants, Joseph Smith History
    4. Receive an ecclesiastical endorsement.  This will come through the bishops of the ward that you attend.

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