Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Have I Done any Good in the World Today

Matthew 7:21    " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

Today we studied about the calling of the 12 Apostles, and what it means to be an Apostle of the Lord.  We watched a portion of this interview where David R. Bednar answers questions about what it is like to be a special witness of Christ sent to testify of Christ to all the world.  We learned about how our leaders serve Jesus Christ by serving people all over the world, and also how we can demonstrate our faith and love for the Savior through serving others.

Scripture Mastery: Matthew 25:40  "And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ask and ye shall receive, knock and it shall be opened...

So today we were scheduled to learn about the miracles of Jesus, when upon early arrival to the building we "knocked and were not able to open" the church doors. This is what we found.

Seems that the key cards aren't properly working, so we decided to "ask" for help.  Sister Rosina Miller answered the call, and she in turn called Brother Pugh. They both jumped out of bed, sped  dashed to the building, and miraculously got us into our classes at EXACTLY 6:00 a.m.  We had a great lesson on the miracles of Christ after having witnessed our own little seminary miracle.

Here is a video about a miracle that we studied about in class to day and another video about a miracle that we did not have time to study.  If you are the first person to tell Sister Colvin about either of these videos, you will earn 10 points for your team.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Scripture Mastery Masters!

We are off to a running start with scripture mastery this year!  Thank you for your enthusiasm and efforts. It is such a pleasure to teach you.  I hope that you are doing as well with your personal scripture reading as you are with your scripture mastery.  I have a testimony that the scriptures will bless your life and give you strength and power to overcome trials and temptations.

Highlights of Week #2 - The Sermon on the Mount

A picture is worth a thousand words...and these videos are priceless.  Take some time to watch the videos on the most important sermon ever taught.  

We had a birthday...shout hurray!

Happy Birthday to all of our many summer babies... Ashton, Steph, Celina, Zack, Cade, and Kacey! Also happy early birthday to Sara and Adam.  We celebrated early because Sister Colvin will be out of town for the FLEX day in October.  In case any parents are wondering what to get their teenagers for their birthdays, it seems that silly string is a popular item. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Beautiful Attitudes Abound in Zero Hour

The Beatitudes, Matthew 5

Blessed is from the Greek "makaroi" which means "to be characterized by the quality of God, or the state of one who has the Kingdom of God within him".  The Latin beatus is the basis of the English "beatitude" meaning "to be fortunate, or to be happy, or blessed." 

The beatitudes then teach us about the characteristics of God that, if developed within us, will allow us to achieve the type of happiness that God possesses.  It is the great Plan of Happiness, that will lead us back to Him. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

Last day...100% !!!

I am blown away by this year's amazing class! They are not just on time, but they are EARLY, and...they are AWAKE, and....they are SMILING.  We had 100% attendance today, and a total of 4 out of 5 days of 100% this week.  So here's a big "Shout Out" to all the Moms and Dads and Seminary Students who are helping this to happen!  It makes such a difference in how a classroom feels when all of our classmates are here and ready to learn. 

  • Mark all of the New Testament Scripture Mastery this weekend 
  • Memorize Matthew 5:14-16 - Ye are the light of the world
  • Make Clay lanterns and return them to Sister Colvin on Monday

How can I become wise enough to "see the star" and understand it's significance?

Monday, September 10, 2012

1st Day 100%

  Can I just say that getting up at 5:00 A.M. is so much easier when I have my class to look forward to.  It's a great way to start a day!

Devotional Schedule


17th - Kacey
18th - Zach
19th - Megan
20th - Rosemitha
21st - Steph

24th - Mike
25th - Celina
26th - Cody
27th - Niko
28th - Jacob


1st - Brayden
2nd - Sawyer
3rd - Madaliene
4th - Cade

8th - Sara
9th - Adam
10th - Kacey
11th -  Zach

15th - Megan
16th - Rosemitha
17th - Steph
18th - Mike
19th - Celina

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting Ready For Seminary

Seminary Fireside:
     Sunday, September 9th, 6 P.M. at the stake center.  Please come and listen to (and apply) what our stake leaders say about how to have a successful year in Seminary!

First Day of Class:
    Monday, September 10th, 6 A.M. at the Greenbluff building, in the Relief Society Room.
     Please Bring with you a set of scriptures - both the Bible and triple combination.  There are many styles of scriptures that you can use.  Most people use the less expensive paperback versions.  You will want to leave your seminary set in our locked cabinet during the year.  The stake has asked that everyone use regular scriptures for seminary. (no electronic versions)

     Please take the time to underline your scripture mastery for the New Testament in your scriptures. Those who have their scriptures marked by the end of the first week will get a little reward. You can find the scripture mastery list and many other things at,

     You will each receive materials on the first day of class that will help you in your study of the New Testament. We will be using attendance, reading, class participation, and scripture mastery to determine your grade in seminary each quarter.  Your grades will be mailed to your home.  In order to receive credit for the year, you must have a minimum attendance of 80%. I provide plenty of opportunity to make up missed work.

     We will have student led devotionals on Monday through Thursday.  Assignments will be posted in class.  You will be asked to choose a topic based on the lesson that was taught in seminary the day before your devotional.  You may choose to bring a treat for the class if you like, but that is not required.  We will also ask for volunteers to play piano, lead the music, and say the prayers each day.  If you have a particular talent that you are willing to share with the class, please let me know. 

I am looking forward to seeing you again, or meeting you for the first time!  It will be a great year!

Sister Colvin




Splash Back to Seminary


Seminary Art Skills - stay tuned for application.
CANNONBALL! Third time's the charm.
Are we playing colors, cars, cereal, or what?

The girls are too cool for colors.

Zero hour Seminary Class 2012 - plus a few Colvins.
Faithful Jacob didn't swim so he could preserve his energy for his football game.
Are they boiling or bonding?
Synchronized Seminary Students Showing their Skills.  (say 7 times fast)

Celina performing a perfect "10" on the 4th dive of her life.  Our future seminary Olympian?
Cody's Olympic (?) Skills.