Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting Ready For Seminary

Seminary Fireside:
     Sunday, September 9th, 6 P.M. at the stake center.  Please come and listen to (and apply) what our stake leaders say about how to have a successful year in Seminary!

First Day of Class:
    Monday, September 10th, 6 A.M. at the Greenbluff building, in the Relief Society Room.
     Please Bring with you a set of scriptures - both the Bible and triple combination.  There are many styles of scriptures that you can use.  Most people use the less expensive paperback versions.  You will want to leave your seminary set in our locked cabinet during the year.  The stake has asked that everyone use regular scriptures for seminary. (no electronic versions)

     Please take the time to underline your scripture mastery for the New Testament in your scriptures. Those who have their scriptures marked by the end of the first week will get a little reward. You can find the scripture mastery list and many other things at,

     You will each receive materials on the first day of class that will help you in your study of the New Testament. We will be using attendance, reading, class participation, and scripture mastery to determine your grade in seminary each quarter.  Your grades will be mailed to your home.  In order to receive credit for the year, you must have a minimum attendance of 80%. I provide plenty of opportunity to make up missed work.

     We will have student led devotionals on Monday through Thursday.  Assignments will be posted in class.  You will be asked to choose a topic based on the lesson that was taught in seminary the day before your devotional.  You may choose to bring a treat for the class if you like, but that is not required.  We will also ask for volunteers to play piano, lead the music, and say the prayers each day.  If you have a particular talent that you are willing to share with the class, please let me know. 

I am looking forward to seeing you again, or meeting you for the first time!  It will be a great year!

Sister Colvin




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