Thursday, November 1, 2012

Palm Sunday/Fig Trees/Faith

Mark 11: 
With the triumphal entry into Jerusalem we learned that the people of the city gathered to welcome Jesus as he entered into Jerusalem.  They waved palms, placed their clothing and palm leaves in the path, and shouted Hosanna as Jesus entered the city riding on a young donkey colt.  We learned that strewing palm branches at Jesus' feet was a symbol of giving up of worldly goods, both necessities and luxuries, for someone of very high esteem or royalty. 
We also learned about fig trees and some interesting facts about figs:

1.    The fig tree is very common in Palestine.  Its fruit is a well-known and highly-esteemed article of food.
2.    The kind of a fig tree mentioned in Mark 11 produces an early fig, ripening about the end of June, even before it is full with leaves.
3.    The main crop of figs comes later in August.  If a tree produces no early figs, it will produce no fruit at all that year. The winter fig, larger and darker than No. 2, hanging and ripening late on the tree, even after the leaves were shed, and sometimes gathered in the spring. 
4.    It is well known that the fruit-buds of a fig tree appear earlier than do the leaves.  The fig flower grows inside the fruit! The blossoms of the fig tree are within the receptacle or so-called fruit, and not visible outwardly; and this fruit begins to develop before the leaves. 
5.    A tree with leaves should also have fruit, and by the time the tree is in full foliage the figs are well advanced toward maturity. Moreover, certain species of figs are edible while yet green; indeed the unripe fruit is relished in the Orient at the present time. 
6.    It would be reasonable, therefore, for one to expect to find edible figs even in early April on a tree that was already covered with leaves.

Knowing these facts about fig trees, we were then able to understand why the Savior was disappointed with the barren fig tree, as it pretended to be fruitful when it really wasn't.  We asked ourselves the question, are we producing the inward fruits of faith and true conversion, or are we going through the motions of appearing to be followers of Christ without true faith? Matthew 7:15-20..."by their fruits ye shall know them." What can you do to increase your faith?
 20 BONUS POINTS to the first person to answer the question in class on Monday
After cursing the fig tree and before the disciples discovered that the tree had withered and died, what important and symbolic thing did Christ do?

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