Thursday, January 24, 2013


          After working hard the first semester to earn our Seminary party, we finally came up with a date that at least 50% of the class could attend.  (These are busy teenagers!) In fact, we had 13 in attendance from our class plus 3 visitors.  We really missed those who could not make it, but don't worry, there will be another chance for a party if everyone continues to do their best in seminary. Before viewing our party highlights, listen to this blast from the past to get in the party mood. 

Red Team Mummy-Rosemitha
Green team Mummy - Brayden
Blue Team Mummy- Celina
I LOVE MY MUMMY....(I couldn't resist)

M&M game - getting a match is much harder than it sounds...ask Cody!
"I am adorable - even with food in my mouth - see?"
"Is this supposed to be fun Sister Colvin?"
"Safety tissues...just in case the gag reflex kicks in."
Seafood delight!
 Cody has enough of the M&M game. It may have scarred him for life.

The FLOUR game - my personal favorite, everyone was a good sport except for "she who must not be named" who used her tongue instead of her nose. If you are wondering why all the pictures with Mike in them are blurry, it is because he never stops moving.
Mike goes after the dime buried in the flour...HOLD YOUR BREATH MIKE!
...or not.
He's a good sport!
CHEETO'S game - my dumbest idea yet.
Go Team Green - note to self, warm faces melt whipped cream.
Team Blue - Having fun yet Cade?
He's definitely having fun now!
Team Red - Cody has always wanted to be the class clown but never dared...until now!
SOCK WRESTLING...prelims.  Just one request, will someone teach the screeching woman taking the video how to hold her phone correctly during video taping?

SOCK WRESTLING finals ... warning, this video has been rated PG14 for violence. 

Our Honored Guests added to the spirituality of the evening.  At least they liked the pizza!

The Red Team won the competition with the final basketball shootout.  Fortunately the girl's were there to make a few baskets!  I hope that everyone had a good time at the party. I sure to love spending time with all of you.  You make my life more meaningful in so many ways!

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