Friday, October 11, 2013

What makes a Great Leader? (MAKE UP LESSON)

Lehi gives his parting counsel and blessings.
This blog post may be counted for team points and as a makeup lesson if you complete all three parts and turn in the written answers to the questions in each part.

Part 1:

In Lehi's last days on the earth, he gave a lot of great advice to his sons and their families.  One of the most important things that he told them, was that they needed to follow their new prophet, Nephi.  Read 2 Nephi 1:25-28 and look for reasons that Lehi gives to Laman and Lemuel for listening to their brother Nephi.  You can earn 5 points for each reason.

Part 2:

We had the opportunity last weekend to listen to latter-day prophets General Conference.  Many of you turned in reports/not on conference.  You may still turn in notes for makeup days, one day for each session of conference.  As I was looking at different things on the Mormon channel, I found this interesting video of our latter-day prophets. For many of you it will be the first time you have ever heard the voices of these prophets.  Check it out! 

For 10 points: Who was the first latter-day prophet to have his voice audio-recorded?  For an additional 10 points, which prophetic message impressed you the most?

Part 3:

Finally, for 10 points, watch the following Mormon Message and tell me what you learned about prophets.

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