Friday, October 26, 2012

Seminary Progress....

Look how well we are doing with our Scripture Mastery!  Can you believe that we have almost finished a quarter of the year of seminary?  It has been tough for all of us this week as the cold, wet weather, and the darkness of winter begins to set in.  We have all felt the fatigue and the temptation to skip seminary. But each day I make the sacrifice to prepare myself and come to teach, I am so glad that I did.  I hope that you are glad that you made the effort to come too.  I really do appreciate your sacrifice because I want so badly for each of you to strengthen yourselves so that you can stay faithful through the temptations and trials of the future.  Speaking of the future.....

I have a little challenge for each of you that I hope that you will take.  It can change the way that you look at your life if you will take just a few minutes to watch it.  If you will take the time to view this fireside, and you tell me the answer to the following question, you will be given a makeup day and ten points for your team!  The question is, what is the parable or analogy given in this talk that helps us understand the Atonement better?

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