Tuesday, October 16, 2012

So good to come home!

     I know you might think that I am a little crazy, but I really MISSED my seminary class!  I was so excited to see everyone on Monday morning.  You are the most amazing group of youth I have ever known!  Thank you for coming each day to class - it blesses my life.  Here are some fun pictures from our lamp lighting.  Sorry about the quality - between the wind, the rain, the darkness, and my excitement - the focus was not the best.
     Congratulations to the green team for winning the first month's seminary competition.  Cody, Zack, Steph, Sawyer, Sarah, and Ashton all get to choose a prize from the prize box!  New seating assignments were given today which means new teams and a new challenge!  I want to encourage everyone to continue to work on scripture mastery and daily scripture reading.  Remember our class goal is to finish the book of Matthew by this Friday.
     We tried to watch a video in class the other day that I could not get to stream.  I can't link it here, but here is the web address.     http://www.lds.org/media-library/video/doctrine-and-covenants-visual-resources?lang=eng&query=they+wise#2010-07-14-they-that-are-wise      Please take a few minutes to watch it and think about what we learned in class concerning the Parable of the Ten Virgins.

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